Chile's Violent History
 While the majority of the world mark September 11th as the day in 2001 in which the World Trade Center in New York City was bombed by Islamic terrorists, Chile's September 11th tragedy dates back to 1973. It was on this day that the four branches of Chile's armed forces violently overthrew the government of Salvador Allende, the current president at that time. The country was taken over in a military junta lead by Augusto Pinochet, who had been appointed General commander-in-chief of the army by Allende less than a month earlier. The day of this overtaking, the military issued an air raid Following this overtaking was a term riddles with human rights violations, including the torture and murder of thousands of Chilean men, women and children. This dictator was not only violent, it was extreempy controling of the media and diminishing of Chilean culture. The country was in Pinochet's power until 1990, when

Photo taken of the Coup D'etat, September 11th, 1973. [21]
