Media Use Statistics

There exists a great divide between genders in Qatar. The chart below from the QSA outlines the gender distribution by age in 2013. According to The Guardian, the projected gender distribution for 2050 is going to be even more drastic. The gap is only projected to get worse, and already, 3 out of every 4 residents is male.
















A demographic of significance is the breakdown of Qatari nationals versus the large population of expats. According to data organized by the Gulf Labour Markets and Migration center based on that collected by the QSA, nationals make up 14.3% of the population, and non-nationals make up 85.7% of the population. 27


Media Access/Use Stats


(All statistics in this section come from the Northwestern University Entertainment Use in the Middle East study) 28


Internet use in Qatar is high, with 85% of the population online. 100% of Westerners living in Qatar use the Internet, compared to 78% of nationals. 90% of men, compared to 80% of women use the Internet. 28

















As you can see in the graph above, compared to other Middle Eastern nations, Qataris put the most weight in conversations with others on what kind of media they should consume. Also compared to the rest of the Middle East, listening to music is not as popular a choice of medium (71% of the Qatari population compared to an 84% average from the total sample). Nationals in other countries are more likely to listen to music than nationals in Qatar (only 53% report listening to music as an activity, and 27% say it is an important medium). 28


94% of Qatari nationals agree that more should be done to preserve cultural traditions in entertainment media. 28