Electronic Village Online 2007

Teaching with Technology: PowerPoint in the Classroom

: February 19-25, 2007

Getting Started

Week 1

Week 2
Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Important Links






















  • share and comment on the completed PowerPoint projects

  • reflect on the session

  • complete a session evaluation


  1. View your colleagues' PowerPoint projects.  Post your comments, using the Final Rubric for the Effective Elements of PowerPoint (click here for the rubric as a Microsoft Word document or here for the rubric as a PDF file). Include the title of the PPT project in the subject heading of your post.
  2. Reflect on the session: In the Teaching with PowerPoint YahooGroup (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TeachingwithPowerPoint/), click Messages > Post to write your comments to the following questions.
  • What was most beneficial for you in this course?
  • Was there anything about PowerPoint that you wanted to know more about but that wasn't covered?
  • What recommendations would you make for the next iteration of this session?
  1. Complete session evaluations
  2. For those of you interested in extension ideas and activities for PowerPoint in the Classroom--rubrics for PPT projects/presentations, using PPT with an iPod, please visit Week 6 Extension Ideas and Activities for PPT.

Checklist of Tasks for Week 6

I have…….

  1. received and incorporated feedback from participants;

  2. revised the project;

  3. posted a reflection on the session;

  4. completed my evaluation of the Teaching with PowerPoint EVO session.

This concludes the 2007 EVO session on Teaching with PowerPoint.
The team thanks your for your participation and wishes you success with your current and future PPT endeavors.

© EVO PowerPoint team: Christine Bauer-Ramazani, Paula Emmert, Roger Drury, Kent Matsueda, Jessica Noyes, and Sandy Wagner
Created November 2, 2006; last updated December 19, 2012