(Demonstration at the Internet Fair of the 37th Annual TESOL 2003 Convention and Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland)
URL for the Multimedia CALL Lessons: http://academics.smcvt.edu/cbauer-ramazani/multimediaCALLlessons.htm
requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000, XP; speakers
Specific browser or plugins required: Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher),
Authoring materials used: Microsoft FrontPage 2000, Broadway
(streaming video), PowerPoint, Word, Excel (Visual Basic), Pronunciation
Power (CD-ROM), digital cameras, scanners, sound recording tools
authors of Multimedia CALL Lessons
The Multimedia CALL Lessons were
authored in partial fulfillment of the graduate CALL course requirements at
Saint Michael's College, and most of them were contributed by prospective
ESL/EFL teachers in the CALL Online course. The lessons constitute the
course participants' capstone project and are centered around extensive lesson
plans which incorporate a variety of technologies. The purpose of each
lesson is to engage ESL/EFL students in activities that improve their skills by
interacting with a variety of technologies.