CS111 - Introduction to Computer Science I (in Java) � Fall Semester, 2017
Textbook - Starting out with
Java: From Control Structures through Objects
by Tony Gaddis (5th edition) ISBN: 0-13-285583-6
First Exam (Oct. 2nd - Friday)
Homework and Weekly Quizzes
Second Exam (Nov. 13th - Friday)
Programming Assignments completed
Final Exam (Dec.16, 8-11AM, Wed.)
both inside and outside of lab
Course Objectives: Students will learn how to
program a digital computer using the programming language called
Java. All the relevant declaration, conditional and looping
statements will be covered so as to help facilitate the design, implementation,
testing and debugging of a significant number of programs that will range from
twenty to a hundred lines of Java
code. Problem decomposition and program tracing will be emphasized as well to
help the creation of software to complete the lab programming assignments and to
demonstrate programming proficiency on quizzes and exams.
Preliminary Weekly Schedule of
Topics and
Week #1 (8/31/2015) - Chapter 1: Basic Computer Hardware, Algorithms, and Java
Week #2 (9/7) - Chapter 2: Elementary Java Constructs - variables, arithmetic
operators, basic terms and statements, and input and output operations.
Week #3-4 (9/14,9/21) - Chapter 3:Conditional statements in Java; exam on 10/2
includes Chaps 1-3.
Week #5 (9/28) � Chapter 4: Using iteration statements within your program. (1st
exam on Friday.)
Week #6 (10/5) � Finish chap. 4, start #5: Class methods, formal and actual
parameter passing.
Weeks #7-8 (10/12 WF, 10/21) -
We will also begin to cover some material on
JApplets from Chapter 12 and 13 as
well as sections 14.3-14.5; other relevant readings will be assigned as need be.
Week #9-10 (10/26, 11/2) - Chapter 7 (up to section 7.11): The array data
Weeks #11-12 (11/19, 11/16) - Chapter 6: Designing/writing your own classes.
Exam: 11/13(F).
Last 2 Weeks (11/30, 12/7) � Chapter 8: sections 8.1-8.4 & 8.8: advanced class
design.�Final Exam!
Typically, each week you will have one or two
programs to complete, and some of these may be finished during the assigned lab
time. Each program will be graded using the following criterion: how well it
works, does it handle all possible cases, and how easy it is to read by someone
else. Each program will have a specific due date, and any late program will be
penalized 20% for every day that it is late, unless there are circumstances
beyond your control. Please email ASAP if you are going to miss a class due to
illness, etc.
After about the first few weeks of the semester,
you will have been exposed to the desired programming style that you are
expected to follow when creating your programs. This style will be emphasized
when programs are written in class and may not follow exactly the programming
style in our textbook. The most important point is that you should try to be
consistent when following these programming guidelines � throughout the entire
Java program.
Prof. John A. Trono,
JeanMarie 267, phone - x2432
Office hours: MW 3-4pm, T 9-10:30AM & 1-3PM, TH
1-2pm, and by appointment.
The materials used in this class, including, but not limited to, exams, quizzes, and homework assignments are copyright protected works. Any unauthorized copying of the class materials is a violation of federal law and may result in disciplinary actions being taken against the student. Additionally, the sharing of class materials without the specific, express approval of the instructor may be a violation of the College's Student Honor Code and an act of academic dishonesty, which could result in further disciplinary action. This includes, among other things, uploading class materials to websites for the purpose of sharing those materials with other current or future students.