Discussion Group: Professional Development Opportunities in CALL
TESOL 2005
Christine Bauer-Ramazani, Saint Michael's College
Mary-Ellen Butler-Pascoe, Alliant International University, Graduate School of Education (mbutler@alliant.edu)


Twenty TESOLers from the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, and Japan attended this early-morning discussion session on the first day of the convention in sunny San Antonio and discussed needs that they or the teachers in their organizations have for professional development in CALL.  They identified the following needs:

  1. international and national standards related to technology (e.g. ISTE, TESOL/NCATE)
  2. certificates indicating that standards in item 1. were met.
  3. access to step-by-step tutorials or a database of handouts on basic uses of technology tools (Word, PowerPoint, FrontPage, Flash, Web templates, Web exercise/quiz/rubric/puzzle creators, etc.)
  4. a shared space where such tutorials and handouts can be accessed and submitted by TESOL members worldwide.
  5. any tips on how to motivate teachers to sustain their professional development endeavors in using technology.
  6. any tips (technical, pedagogical, classroom management) on how to use technology in a one-computer classroom in countries/environments with limited resources.

The discussion group leaders resolved to establish a Yahoo!Group on a short-term basis for interaction among the participants and relaying the needs expressed by the group to the TESOL Board for long-term solutions.

The Yahoo!Group was created on 4/8/05.  Membership in the group can be requested by anyone interested in this topic at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/profdevCALL/join.

The handout with links to many professional development opportunities in CALL can be accessed at http://academics.smcvt.edu/cbauer-ramazani/TESOL/2005/prof_dev_call.htm .