Subscribing to Professional Organizations
(print out for future reference)

In order to connect to the professional community electronically, I recommend that you subscribe to two listservs that specialize in computer applications and pedagogy.  They are TESLCA-L and NETEACH-L.  You will learn a lot just by reading the daily postings that come in, and of course, you may post your own questions/needs to the list.  This online community of ESL/EFL practitioners is very helpful and resourceful, so I strongly recommend that you "get connected" and find out about the resources.  

A.  Subscriptions to Professional Organizations:  TESL-L and  TESLCA-L

TESLCA-L is a branch of TESL-L, and so you will have to subscribe to it first.  TESL-L  is a large, world-wide discussion list of professional teachers.   However, since the main list (TESL-L) and TESLCA-L generate at least 10-15 messages PER day, it is essential that you follow the directions below in order not to have your mail account overloaded.

Directions for subscribing toTESL-L, TESLCAL-L, and NETEACH-L: 

Click on this link:
  An e-mail message window will open up with the link address in the to   line.
            In the CC line, type
            Leave the subject line blank.
            In the main message window, type

sub TESL-L yourfirstname yourlastname
sub TESLCA-L yourfirstname yourlastname
sub TESLK-12 yourfirstname yourlastname 

sub TESLCA-L Christine Bauer-Ramazani

You may also want to visit their web site at , read about the founding of TESL-L, read the directions, and information on netiquette.

Set TESL-L to nomail (Recommended in order to reduce the volume of email messages)
            Open a new message window or click on this link:
            Again, in the CC   line, type  
            Leave the subject  line blank.
            In the main message window, type

                            set TESL-L nomail

             This command will leave you subscribed to TESL-L, but you won't be receiving any messages from this list.

Please visit the link and complete your subscription on the web.

IMPORTANT NOTE To confirm your subscriptions, please send an e-mail message to Christine by clicking on instructor or if you used the cc line command above, I will have received a copy of your subscription.

If your subscription was entered correctly, you will receive an "Output" message and a "Welcome" message within a few minutes.    This message contains very important information about TESL-L, its history, its function, and the rules of etiquette to observe when interacting with the list.  Please save it in a separate Personal Folder called "Subscriptions".

Creating a personal mail folder (Recommended)

Create a personal mail folder to store your mail from the discussion lists and to save the subscription information you will be receiving.   Please see Creating a Personal Folder file in MS-Outlook  for creating personal mail folders that prevent your mailbox from getting overloaded or exceeding your allocated mail quota. 

Directions for unsubscribing from TESLCA-L, TESL-L, and NETEACH-L:

To unsubscribe from the TESLCA-L list at the end of the course, open a new message window or click on this link:
            Leave the subject   line blank.
            In the main message window, type

                     unsub TESLCA-L yourfirstname yourlastname
                     unsub TESL-L yourfirstname yourlastname

To unsubscribe from NETEACH-L, visit the link and click the "unsubscribe" checkbox.

Another option is to use a web site that facilitates your subscription.  Click on the link Electronic Discussion & Newsgroups for a fast and easy way to subscribe.

Directions for posting to TESLCA-L or NETEACH-L

To post messages to TESLCA-L or NETEACH-L, i.e. to share a message with the other members of the listserv, open a new message window or click on or   This will open an e-mail message window with the link address in the to line.
            Type the subject (topic) of your message in the subject  line.
     In the main message window, type the text of your message.
     Put your name and affiliation (institution) at the bottom of the message.)

B.  Subscriptions to Professional Online Resources

1.  subscriptions for K-12 teachers: click a confirmation to the instructor

The Internet TESL JournalNo subscription necessary, but you may sign up to receive announcements of new journal issues going online at
3 TESL-EJ - To subscribe, click here Send a confirmation to the instructor

          C.  Additional Subscriptions (free online materials--excellent sources)

          4.  Teaching English with Technology (IATEFL Poland Special Interest Group).  Send a confirmation to the instructor
           - includes Articles, Lesson Plans, Software, Word from Techie, Previous Issues
          5.  TESOL Connections (must be a TESOL member) -- important announcements and news about the field from all over the world
          6.  Any other free online journal -- see the list at  Send a confirmation to the instructor.

          7.  CALL-EJ Online
          8.  the Professional Online CALL Journals ( in Christine's Links to Useful TESL/CALL Web Sites <>.

Now return to Week 1 to complete your tasks. Click the BACK button on your top toolbar.

This page was last revised on: Wednesday, December 19, 2012

© Christine Bauer-Ramazani
All rights reserved. 
Please send me questions or feedback by clicking on my name.