Christine Bauer-RamazaniGuidelines for Using the Software Evaluation Form (non-interactive)
Step 1:
Print out this form. Load the program on your system. Run the program briefly to become familiar with the program’s "flow."Step 2:
Execute the program as a successful student would, avoiding intentional or careless errors. Extend the program when possible by interacting "creatively" as a good student would in testing the cleverness of the programmer.Step 3:
Execute the program as an unsuccessful student would. Respond incorrectly to test how the program handles student errors. If an erroneous response to a task results in the repetition of that task, make repeated incorrect responses. Finally, make other kinds of errors such as typing mistakes, incorrect form of input (e.g., "one" for "1"), content errors, and errors in following the directions.Step 4:
Copy and paste the entire form (Edit ==> Select All ==> Copy) into a Word document. Begin filling out the form. Use the criteria and questions as guidelines for your analysis. Provide screenshots of the software as necessary (but careful: They increase file size!).Very importantly: Discuss how/where this software fits/doesn't fit into current learning and teaching theories.
Software reviewed by: ________________________ Your Email Address: ______________________
Title of Software:
_________________________ Platform / Operating system
Specify: ____________________
Subject: _________________________________________________________
Publisher: _________________________________________________________
Language Proficiency Level(s): Basic Low Intermediate Intermediate High Intermediate Advanced Native speakers
(Click all that apply.)Age group: kindergarten elementary grades middle grades high school college age adult interest
(Click all that apply.)
Windows System requirements: MB Ram at least 32 at least 64 at least 128 more than 128 Processor speed at least 486 Pentium 4 or higher Hard disk space free 2 MB 4 MB 6 MB 8 MB 10 MB more than 10 MB Windows Version Win 3.1 Win98 WinXP Other (Please specify.) Graphics card (w/compatible monitor) 8-bit VGA 16-bit VGA SVGA Peripherals (Click all that apply.) CD-ROM Drive Headphones or Speakers Mouse
sound card Microphone Internet connectionMacintosh System Requirements: MB Ram 4 MB 5 MB 6 MB 7 MB 8 MB 9 MB 10 MB Processor Speed 68030 or newer: yes no Hard disk space free 2 MB 4 MB 6 MB10 MBmore than 10MB Operating System Version 9.0 or higher: yes no Graphics card (w/ compatible monitor) 8-bit VGA 16-bit VGA SVGA Peripherals CD-ROM Drive Headphones or Speakers Mouse
Sound Blaster (or compatible) sound card Microphone
Internet connectionTime needed to complete: less than 30 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes more than 60 minutes Learner group size: individual pair small group large group whole class User friendliness: not at all somewhat average good excellent Prerequisite skills or activities
Describe any skills that learners must have BEFORE using the program. Describe any activities that must be completed BEFORE the learner can use the program.Program Description
In detail, discuss the content of the program, including all options offered in pull down menus, branching capabilites and progression from one part of the program to another. Discuss the steps that must be taken by the learner to complete the program successfully.Objectives
- What does the program claim to help learners achieve? (What features does the program offer that will make learning easier--adequate "help" options, clear instructions, helpful feedback, option to correct mistakes?)
- How does the program help instructors? (Does the software offer exercises that are supplementary to the kinds of things being taught in class already? Does it provide information that the instructor is unable to/lacks time to provide? Does it free up class time for new information by providing extra practice outside class hours?
Type of Program:
Check all that apply.Problem Solving Drill and Practice Simulation Informational Game Student Tool Teacher Tool ESL-Specific Non-ESL Specific Testing Text Reconstruction Text Construction Exploratory activities
Other: ______________________________English Language Areas Covered:
Check all that apply.Reading Speaking Writing Vocabulary Grammar Listening Cultural Competence Computer
Conversational Other: ___________________________Pedagogical considerations--Program Operation:
Discuss, from an ESL learner's perspective, how easy the software is to use. Consider the following, and provide examples where/if appropriate:
- Is there an instruction manual and/or an on-screen help option?
- Can the program and lessons be opened quickly and easily?
- Are the program functions and instructions easy to follow, or do they cause frustration (what kind?)?
- Can the learner move from lesson to lesson easily as well as go back to previous material?
- Can the learner control the program (the options he/she chooses), or is there a set sequence that must be followed?
- Can the learner's work be saved?
- Can the learner quit from any point in the program/save previous work?
- Does the program require instructional support? What kind?
- Does the program make the learner's work and scores available to the instructor?
- Does the program have an authoring function that allows the instructor to author his/her own text into the program? Is it possible to modify lessons or add customized lessons to the syllabus?
Pedagogical considerations--Feedback:
Discuss how the software program evaluates the learner's response. Consider the following:
- How does the program keep track of scores?
- Does the learner receive informative feedback for his/her response?
- Does the software provide feedback for both correct and incorrect answers?
- Does the program "flag" errors, such as by highlighting a particular part of a response that is incorrect?
- How many tries does the learner get?
- Is the correct response provided, and after how many tries?
- Does the program allow the learner to repeat exercises (and correct mistakes) indefinitely?
- Is the feedback encouraging?
- Does the program record the number of attempts in addition to the number of correct/incorrect answers?
- Does the program keep track of total time spent on an exercise?
- Does the program calculate the learner's average scores, provide a progress chart, etc.?
Discuss several examples of feedback.
Pedagogical Considerations--Content:
Check all that apply. Then discuss the following:
- Does the program integrate explanations into the exercises about the culture/literature/daily situations that may accompany the language?
- Does the program focus on different cognitive strategies in the exercises, such as recognition, recall, comprehension, experiential learning (learning by doing), constructive understanding (using the computer as a tool to discover new information), and problem-solving (using the computer's capabilities to solve a problem)? Which thinking skills are addressed mainly?
- Does the program offer exercises that can be worked on by a pair or a group of students as well as an individual, and how well do the exercises lend themselves to class discussion or competition?
- What type of input is expected from the learner (speech/text) and what kind of information does he/she receive (graphics, audio, text)?
Well organized Well sequenced Enjoyable
Interesting Factually correct Helps learning
Provides effective practice Introduces new language understandably Provides meaningful interaction between computer & learner Provides communicative interaction between students Creates challenge without anxiety
Free of excessive violence Free of stereotypes
Takes advantage of computer's unique capability
Comments: Explain some of the content features above in more detail.
Pedagogical considerations--Program Output
Check all that apply. Then describe some of the program output features. Consider the following:
- Are color, graphics, or sound necessary or important to the efficiency of the exercises?
- Can the learner print out his/her work?
- Can the learner print out information that is available on the screen?
Attractive screens
Attractive Graphics
Attractive Sounds
Print option available
Comments:Example(s) of how this program could be used in the classroom
Discuss how an ESL/EFL instructor could incorporate this program into the curriculum/class.Overall Opinion: Highly recommended program Pretty good
Useful OK Modifications Needed Not UsefulBest Part of the Program
Summarize the program's strengths.Worst Part of the Program
Summarize the program's weaknesses/shortcomings.Additional Comments:
Discuss how/where this software fits/doesn't fit into current learning and teaching theories.Form created in 1998 for GSL520 Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Also see SOFTWARE EVALUATION FORM (short).