GSL520/GED565: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Online
Professor: Christine Bauer-Ramazani
Saint Michael's College

Syllabus -- Fall 2017 -- DEMO

The course is delivered through the Saint Michael's Learning Management System Canvas--This is just a demo site! To access the actual course, once it is open, please go to the SMC Portal at and use your log-in information and password. Click Canvas. Contact the instructor for up-to-date course information.


no textbook; links to articles will be provided; chapters will be assigned from the following books:

Course Description

Participants learn how to incorporate computer and mobile technology into flipped classroom lessons that enhance the skills of English language learners (K-12, adult) through project-based activities, including newsletters, animated slide shows, and free Web-based multimedia and assessment tools. Participants construct an interactive/collaborative portfolio Web space (Wiki) for teaching and learning, review current research and follow the professional dialogue about technology in the classroom. They discuss the effectiveness of technological media through peer reviews and critical evaluation of Web sites and/or courseware. Course meets requirements for ESL licensure. Cross-listed with GED 565


 Qualifications/Computer Skills/
Hardware/Software/Apps/Other Prerequisites

  1. Qualifications: To receive credit, applicants need to fulfill the TESOL Admission Requirements or Education Admission Requirements. Please see the Admission requirements, tuition/fees, calendar, and online application on this Web site.  You may also contact the instructor (cbauer-ramazani at
  2. Skills: COMPETENCE in the MAC or Windows operating system (Win7 or higher preferred), basic file management, Internet navigation, e-mail, and word processing  
  3. Hardware: preferred and recommended--4 GB RAM memory or higher, sound and video cards, DSL or cable modem; external (USB) headset/microphone; printer (optional: Web cam) 
  4. Software: Please set up your computer and mobile device (smartphone, tablet, iPad) to have the following:
    • Browser: download the latest browser version for PC (Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer), or MAC (Safari).
      Apps: Install the app for Canvas for your respective mobile device: Go to Google Play on your Android device or iTunes on Apple devices or Windows Store>apps on a Windows phone.
    • Email: an email program capable of sending attached documents (I will be using MS-Outlook and your Saint Michael's Email account.); set up your mobile device for receiving email through SMC (the IT Helpdesk can help with that).
    • Word Processor: MS Word2010 or later, or download “Writer” from Apache OpenOffice (PC only) at, but beware. There may be missing features/functions and incompatibility issues when we use the Insert Comments and Track Changes features, which the free software doesn't have, but which is extremely useful to educators.
    • Presentation software: MS PowerPoint2003 (or later); Google Drive presentations, or download "Impress from OpenOffice at
    • a Gmail account to create/access Google Drive.
    • a Skype account (and Skype downloaded) 

    5.  Computer access time: 9-12 hours time per week (more for lower tech skill levels)
    6.  Online Learning: To find out if you are temperamentally suited to engage in an online course, please take the simple and quick multiple-choice Self-Assessment at the Community College of Philadelphia. Send me a copy of your answers and the final score via email.

Course Objectives

CALL Online participants are expected to integrate the learned technologies into their specific teaching and learning environments (ESL, EFL, Foreign Language, technology in education).  In particular, it is expected that CALL Online participants

1.  establish an interactive and collaborative online learning community by using computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools --(computer-mediated communication literacy);
2.  demonstrate their understanding of the history, theory, and research of CALL;
3.  demonstrate competence in the use of computers and mobile devices as well as their applications for teaching, in particular language teaching (digital literacy);
4.  author instructional materials for their target learners that incorporate applications for computers and mobile devices for flipping the classroom, including multimedia, Internet resources, and web-based authoring tools (multimedia literacy);
5.  evaluate online information, resources, and software critically (information literacy);
6.  practice the learned technologies with their students by incorporating similar projects into their specific teaching and learning environments (ESL, EFL, Foreign Language, technology in education);
7. identify and use online resources for professional development.

Adapted from the four “electronic literacies in Warschauer, Mark (2002). A developmental perspective on technology in language education (Links to an external site.). TESOL Quarterly 36(3), 453-475. These learning outcomes follow the TESOL Technology Standards Framework (Links to an external site.) (2008) as well as the ISTE Standards for Teachers (Links to an external site.) (2008).

Course Requirements

The basic course requirements consist of two parts:

  1. Required subscriptions (free) to professional listservs and online resources, and

  2. Interaction & Projects. 

Please click on the two links below to find out the course requirements.

1) Required Subscriptions
2) Interaction & Projects


Assessment/Grading Criteria (may be adjusted based on the needs of the class and in consultation with course participants and will include group/team assessments):

  1. Interaction with the class:  .....                 ______________________________________________________________________

                          TOTAL:                            100% -- 100 points

EXTRA CREDIT: Extra credit points will be added to the course grade, at 2% maximum (= 2 percentage points). 

Graduate Grading Scale

Qualitative Equivalent
Above average grad.-level work
Above average grad.-level work
Above average grad.-level work
Average grad.-level work
Average grad.-level work
Below average grad.-level work


  Withdrawn Passing 0.0


  Withdrawn Failing


To determine the grade points for a course multiply the qualitative points for the letter grade received by the credit hours assigned to the course. To arrive at the Grade Point Average (GPA) add the grade points for all courses and then divide this sum by the number of credit hours attempted.

A “B” or 3.0 average must be maintained to continue work in a graduate program and to receive a master’s degree or certificate. Students whose grade point average falls below 3.0 will be subject to review by the Graduate Academic Review Board. The Review Board will determine whether or not the student will be allowed to continue in the program.

Time on Task: The course work corresponds to the 37.5-hour requirement for 3-credit graduate courses at SMC in that I have scheduled 15 weeks worth of "Tasks" and "Assignments." According to the Academic Policies in the Graduate Catalog, 2014-2015, the General Academic Requirements specify that "students spend approximately two to three hours in preparation for each hour of class time." Transferring this to the online environment, the "Tasks" are estimated to require about 3 hours of intensive on-task work plus roughly two to three times that amount for "Assignments," including readings, hands-on preparation and regular weekly assignments (3+6 or 9 = 9 or 12 hours total per week)Please note: Students with low computer skills will require more time-on-task than the average estimate above. Many tasks are optional or extra credit, and although many students choose to complete them because they are interesting, these should not be counted into the number of hours spent on task.  Please note:  When you upload your assignments, they receive a date stamp, so it is easy to see if an assignment is late or not. In case of an emergency or extenuating circumstances for not being able to complete the weekly tasks, please send me an e-mail message. 

Completion of course work: In order to complete the course successfully and to enjoy the contributions of the course participants, you will need to stay in step with the course schedule and complete the assignments during the weeks that they are assigned. This includes readings, hands-on assignments, and projects. You can find the details above. In fact, I will reduce the points/grade for delinquent assignments by 10% for each week late.

Academic IntegrityStudents must abide by the Saint Michael’s College Academic Integrity policy as outlined in the Academic Policies of the Graduate Catalog, 2015-2016. According to those policies, "Violations of academic integrity include the following: plagiarism, unauthorized assistance, interference, and multiple submission." Sanctions may include repeating the assignment with a grade reduction, failure for the assignment, a grade reduction for the course, failure for the course, or dismissal from the course.

Incomplete Grades--Please note the SMC criteria for assigning a grade of "I" (Incomplete). I will adhere to them. (copied from the Academic Policies in the Graduate Catalog, 2015-2016)

A grade of “I” (Incomplete) is assigned only in the case of a student who, for illness or circumstances beyond his/her control, has missed a final examination or major assignment. A student must gain approval from the program director and course instructor who will submit a signed form to the Registrar. If an “I” grade is not made up within six weeks of the beginning of the semester following the assignment of the notation (not counting summer session), a “WF” grade is assigned.

Learning Disabilities Policy and Services for Students With Disabilities--Please note the SMC criteria for Learning Disabilities. I will adhere to them. (copied from the Academic Policies in the Graduate Catalog, 2014-2015):

Saint Michael’s College is committed to providing support services for all students, including students with disabilities. Students wishing to disclose a learning disability and who are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Sec. 504, may receive additional support. A clear understanding of strengths and weaknesses in learning and of the influence of the disability on current and past educational processes will afford a broader assessment of abilities. To ensure the provision of reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students having learning disabilities, students needing such accommodations must provide current and comprehensive documentation, including a copy of a psycho-educational evaluation completed within the past three years that includes a measure of cognitive functioning, a documentation of the learning problem(s), and current measures of reading, math, and written language achievement. The testing must be conducted by a certified professional, must address the nature of the disability and should provide suggestions for reasonable accommodations. The earlier the information is received, the better prepared we will be to address specific needs.

Course Policies

© 2000-2017: Christine Bauer-Ramazani, Saint Michael's College. Last updated: July 13, 2017