Training CALL Teachers Online

Support Web Site
Christine Bauer-Ramazani


Tools for interaction | Reading Discussion forum--sample instructions | Sharing What You Learned Discussion Forum--Sample instructions
Screenshots of the Course Site--Tasks, Assignments, Reading Discussion Forum, Sharing What you Learned Discussion Forum, Virtual Cafe, Checklist,

DocSharing, Webliography, Gradebook


Tools for interaction
Reading Discussion forum--Sample instructions

Please complete the reading summary/reaction and interaction assignment for this week (see the Syllabus for more details).  Click the topic in the Select a topic box, click Go, then click Respond.  Type your text into the Response box, and click Post to submit your response.  Summary/reaction postings should be brief and 1-2 paragraphs long (1 required per week).  Interaction postings should be one paragraph long (2-3 required per week).   

Click "Respond," type in your text, spell-check it, then click "Post." Summarize the author''s (or authors'') point(s) of view, state your
own position, and provide some arguments to support your position. Personal experience, especially as it relates to the classroom,
makes a great supportive argument! In your reaction, tell us, for example, what "grabbed" you; tell us what you thought of the
arguments; point out their strengths and possible limitations or weaknesses--either in the theory or in the practical application (i.e. the classroom)--and discuss influences or crossovers that you see coming from other theories or disciplines. Include some suggestions/possibilities for using the ideas in the classroom. When you have posted the response(s), return to the Assignments to
complete your work.

Remember: Although there are more than 50 readings listed in the course, you need to respond to 15.  You may, of course, respond to more and receive extra credit.

Sharing What You Learned Discussion forum--Sample instructions

SHARING WHAT YOU LEARNED forum: Each of these forums will have at least two sections.  Please be sure to post in all of them.

Important note: There are three interaction topics this week:

  1. Responding to the Hands-on-Links in Week 1.
  2. Introducing yourself.
  3. How to collaborate online

1.      Introducing yourself.

Welcome to all of you to the CALL Online course. I hope you are ready for a new adventure, which it will be for sure. I would like for us to get started by introducing ourselves. Tell us about your family, your work, your interests/hobbies. Click Respond, type in the text, and then click Post to submit your response.  You can read about me in the "Information about the instructor" link on the Course Home Page, right underneath my picture. 

If you have a picture of yourself and/or your family in electronic form, please attach it to your Introduction.

2.      How to collaborate online

Interaction and collaboration can be accomplished in an online course just like in a face-to-face course, and in fact, I model my online courses on my face-to-face courses and try to accomplish the same in both.  The goal is to create an online learning community through computer-mediated communication (CMC).  Granted, the online environment requires special media and tools to achieve this goal.  In this discussion forum, think about (and post) ways in which the goal of an online learning community for interaction and collaboration could be accomplished.   If you have experience with CMC on a personal or professional level, please discuss it here.  

3.  Hands-on Links

Visit the Hands-on Links, as outlined in the Assignments and share what you learned. Your reactions should be divided into subheadings, each one specifying the task/hands-on link that you are reacting to. In your reaction you should begin by summarizing the contents and function of the task/link. Then, discuss possible applications/limitations you see in the typical classroom. You may also voice any frustrations with the task itself. Write a brief paragraph per link and discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and applications to the classroom.

Click the drop-down arrow next to the Select a topic box and click one of the topics at a time.  Click Go to go to that particular topic.  Click "Respond," type in the text, then click "Post" to submit your response.  Follow the same procedure for all three topics.

When finished, return to the Assignments to complete your work.

Screenshots of the course site--Tasks, Assignments, Reading Discussion forum, Sharing what you learned forum, Virtual Cafe, Chat and chat rooms, DocSharing, Webliography, Gradebook