Building Blocks of an Online CALL Course for 
MATESL Students

Christine Bauer-Ramazani

Professor of CALL Online at Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, VT 05439
e-mail: cbauer-ramazani at

URL for the course : and
Hardware requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000;XP; speakers
Specific browser or plugins required: Internet Explorer 5.0+, RealPlayer

Purpose of this internet resource for teaching English
The presenter demonstrates how the critical elements of an online course--course information, navigation, calendar, tasks, communication, file-sharing, resources--are built into her online MATESL Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) course to allow for maximum interaction, collaboration, and assessment.  This course is in its fourth year of delivery, with participants from all over the world. Its objective is to teach participants how to use technology as a tool to construct effective multimedia lessons.  

Building Blocks of an Online Course
Authoring materials used
: Microsoft FrontPage 98/2000, RealProducer Plus (streaming video), PowerPoint, Word, eCollege Companion