Attend TESOL 2002 in Salt Lake City, Utah USA.

(Demonstration at the Internet Fair of the 36th Annual TESOL 2002 Convention and Exposition,  Salt Lake City, Utah) 

Multimedia CALL Lessons


Christine Bauer-Ramazani
Professor of CALL Online at Saint Michael's College, Colchester, VT
(cbauer-ramazani at

Olena Koroliova
Visiting Scholar
Saint Michael's College, Colchester, VT

URL for the Multimedia CALL Lessons:
Hardware requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000, XP; speakers
Specific browser or plugins required: Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher), RealPlayer

Authoring materials used: Microsoft FrontPage 2000, Broadway (streaming video), PowerPoint, Word, Excel (Visual Basic), Pronunciation Power (CD-ROM), digital cameras, scanners, sound recording tools

The authors of Multimedia CALL Lessons
The Multimedia CALL Lessons were authored in partial fulfillment of the graduate CALL course requirements at Saint Michael's College, and most of them were contributed by prospective ESL/EFL teachers in the CALL Online course.  The lessons constitute the course participants' capstone project and are centered around extensive lesson plans which incorporate a variety of technologies.  The purpose of each lesson is to engage ESL/EFL students in activities that improve their skills by interacting with a variety of technologies.  


(linked to the students' web sites)

The Use of Articles (
(Click on Project on Robert's web site to see a lesson based on concordancing software, with links to online concordancers, an instruction worksheet for students, a sample concordance query for "the", and a cloze exercise authored using web software)
Robert Bradford
Diamante Poetry (
(a lesson about written description and online collaboration in creating diamante-style poems--for an intermediate level high school ESL class) 
Jessica Holbert
Greetings--Getting to know you in the United States
(a lesson for practicing introductions with beginners.  This lesson contains audio files (uncompressed) and therefore will take longer to load--patience; the wait is well worth it!)
Stefani Us
The Haiku Play 
(an animated slideshow with links to student-produced Haikus and accompanying pantomime videos- based on the story of Helen Keller in the play "The Miracle Worker."  Lesson involves note-taking, summarizing, interpreting, collaborating and using multimedia - email, powerpoint, graphics, Word, digital camera and printer)
Pauline Baird
Short Vowel Review (
(a 5-day lesson for beginners, age 8-10, in reading, pronunciation, and writing; includes work with  Reader Rabbit's Complete Learn to Read System, Pronunciation Power, "The Little Red Hen", rebus writing, quadrant story maps, and a "Dear Little Red Hen" letter)
Ewa Seiler
4 Atlantic Waves (
(an animated web adventure)
Anna Marie Robinson
How the 2nd grade made terrariums
(animated slideshow with sound)
Margaret Rafferty and Louise Roy
Let's Visit Providence, RI (
(an animated slide show for e-mail and Internet scavenger hunting)
Shellie Carr
Grammar Show--An irregular day in Grammar Jungle
(an animated slide show for irregular action verbs)
Anna Marie Robinson
A Multimedia Pronunciation Lesson for "th"
(an animated slideshow;; includes many audio activities for learning th--sound discrimination, audio directions on a map, a family tree and more; based on the software program Pronunciation Power)
Luisa Diniz & Noriko Koizumi

A Multimedia Listening & Writing Project using the Titanic theme
( (a listening and writing lesson using images of Celine Dion and the movie Titanic, the sound and lyrics of the theme song by Celine Dion, a cloze test and many links to additional sources)
Amanda Pitkin & Yukari Muramoto
Let your imagination go wild-- An interactive writing lesson using the internet (
(a lesson plan for using ads and having students create their own ad copy; includes a semantic map and a discussion forum)
Paul Seefeldt & Masaharu Kariya
A multimedia writing/reading/listening lesson for Susan Cooper's The Boggart (an integrated lesson for int/adv middle school children, including e-mail exchanges, research, discussion--centered around the Boggart; text with marginal glossing, a sound recording of the text, and a multitude of links to castles and other related sites; the sound files will take 1-2 load) Barbara Dall & Jana Pedemonte
Using the PC as an Interactive Pedagogical Tool for Concordancing and Collocations and The Excel Spreadsheet Application as Basis for a CALL Activity Authoring System (includes a slideshow with a sample lesson for collocations; uses the Excel spreadsheet, buttons, and sliders created in Visual Basic for the collocations; click "Enable macros"; shows how to use Excel's Visual Basic to create collocations based on a corpus)
Using the PC as as Interactive Pedagogical Tool (HTML)
Connie Malzfeldt and Karl Sklar
A year to remember: A Yearbook lesson plan (a slideshow for creating a themed writing lesson plan for intermediate ESL kids in grades 7 and 8) Peggy Ellis-Green & Dawn Maxson
The months of the year (a pronunciation lesson for beginners; in animated slideshow format; includes links for advancing pages) Karl Sklar
The verb phrase (illustrations of verb phrases in the present tense,  third person singular; includes sound; an animated PowerPoint slideshow) Karl Sklar
A Multimedia Tour of Vermont for our Japanese e-mail Penpals
(an animated slideshow; includes links and pictures taken with a digital camera; original presentation contained sound)
Carol Blakely and Sarah Turner
Teaching Reading and Writing through the Internet (includes music, pictures, and animated graphics) Abdrabu Abu Alyan
Nepal: A Trip without a Script (includes scanned slides in a PowerPoint presentation)   To see it on Travis' webpage--click here Travis Cote
Pronunciation Practice for "th" (includes a PowerPoint presentation with recorded sound; click on the loudspeaker icon to hear the sound) Lelia Senter
The Signs of the Zodiac (click "Ignore" when asked to insert disk in drive a:)
(a slideshow with many images and reading exercises; sound files not included)
Signs of the Zodiac & Collocations (using Excel)
Joe Piscotty
Welcome to the St. Johnsbury Academy's ESL Program Homepages (a webpage with scanned in pictures, created by ESL students under Dale's direction) Dale Hinchey
Warschauer's Chapter 7 in multimedia format (a webpage with animation, graphics, and background music) Dale Hinchey
Warschauer's Chapter 5 in multimedia format Dale Hinchey