TESOL 2003


The EV ONLINE team
Christine Bauer-Ramazani (cbauer-ramazani at smcvt.edu)
Susan Gaer
(sgaer at yahoo.com)
JoAnn Miller
(joanmiller at terra.com.mx)
Vance Stevens
vstevens at emirates.net.ae)

Online Sessions 2003
January 20 - March 7, 2003

The CALL Interest Section of TESOL is proud to announce its third round of online sessions, including readings, discussions, chats, guest speakers, and task-based activitiesIf you can’t come to the conference, now the conference can come to you!

You do NOT have to be a member of TESOL, nor do you have to register for TESOL 2003, to take part in these FREE  events.  The EV Online 2003 sessions are held prior to the TESOL Convention and some in conjunction with Interest Section Academic Sessions or Strands.  They run for seven weeks, starting on January 20 and ending on March 7, 2003.  Registration for the sessions will be from January 6 to 20, 2003 at http://academics.smcvt.edu/cbauer-ramazani/TESOL/EVOL/evol2003.htm



Viva, the Virtual Electronic Village
 in the Ardeche"
Philip Benz Philip.Benz at wanadoo.fr http://groups.yahoo.com/group/usingviva

Join this group

Reading Online
Elizabeth Hanson-Smith ehansonsmi at yahoo.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Reading_Online/

Join this group

A Basic Workshop for using
the Internet in class
JoAnn Miller   miller at efltasks.net http://groups.yahoo.com/group/basiceflactivities/

Join this group

An Intermediate Workshop for using the Internet in class JoAnn Miller miller at efltasks.net http://groups.yahoo.com/group/inteflactivities/

Join this group

Oral Communication Skills for Professionals Christine Parkhurst
Rebecca Dauer
cparkhurst at mcp.edu
rdauer at earthlink.com 

Join this group

Creating an Online Magazine to Publish Student Writing Sandra Peters
Julia Karet
Anne Davis
topics_esl at yahoo.com
jkaret at chaffey.edu

adavis at gsu.edu

Join this group

Communities of practice online: Reflection through experience and experiment with the Webheads community of language learners and practitioners





Vance Stevens, Chris Jones, John Steele, Christine Bauer-Ramazani, Teresa Almeida d'Eça, Susanne Nyrop, Keiko Schneider, Rita Zeinstejer, Arif Altun, Christopher Johnson, Aiden Yeh, Dafne Gonzalez Chavez, 
Buthaina Othman, Arlyn Freed, Michael Coghlan
vstevens at emirates.net.ae










Join this group










To register for these online sessions, please complete these steps (You may want to print them out for easier reference.):

1. Obtain a Yahoo!ID if you do not already have one.  Go to http://edit.yahoo.com/config/eval_register and complete the registration form.(A Yahoo!ID is needed in order to access the documents and archives areas of the courses.  Without a Yahoo!ID you can participate in the email discussions only.) 

2.  Join an EV ONLINE 2003 session: Between January 6 and 19, 2003, click on the session above that you wish to attend and request to join it.  (New Yahoo! users will be asked to verify their account, and a verification will be sent via email, with a verification code.  Complete the verification process.  Registered Yahoo! users will be asked to sign in with their Yahoo ID and Password. Please complete the information and click "Sign in." This will take you to the group site again.)

3.  Wait for email notification: Your moderator will receive a request from Yahoo!Groups to approve your subscription to his/her session.  Please note: It might take as long as 24 hours before the registration process is complete and you receive full access to the special features of the site. You will receive an email notification from Yahoo!Groups that your request to join has been approved.  This notification also contains the web site address for the group as well as instructions for posting, contacting, and unsubscribing from the group--please save it.  Please save the email for later reference.

EV ONLINE 2003 Session Descriptions

"Viva, the Virtual Electronic Village in the Ardeche" (http://www.ardecol.ac-grenoble.fr/viva/)

The Viva project is primarily aimed at teachers of foreign languages such as French, English, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese.  It is an ongoing experiment in using threaded discussions to promote student expression in their target language. It allows both teacher-guided written expression activities and student-centered free-form writing, and with participants at over a dozen different sites, creates a real audience for student writing that lends authenticity to the communicative situation. In this workshop, we will examine the project and different ways it has been used; then participants will take an active part in the project, if possible with their students.  Teachers of other languages are welcome, but unfortunately it is=20 currently impossible to support alternate character sets for languages li= ke=20 Arabic or Japanese. Teachers of other subjects (science, history, maths, = etc)=20 are welcome to join the project as well, to the extent that they are=20 interested in encouraging written expression. 

The proposed weekly activities include 1 - Presentation of the Viva project and extant online articles describing activities using this tool, using Tapped In for real-time discussion; participants will also begin using the "Teachers Corner" space on Viva to pursue discussions beyond the duration of the real-time conference; 2/3 - Participants will integrate existing discussion spaces in Viva and report on their experience or those of their students; 4 - Discussion of Viva's expansion from the initial 5 forum spaces to the current 25, and ways of encouraging productive conceptualizing of new spaces for discussion; 5/6 - Critical analysis of problems arising from the Viva project, including inappropriate student behavior, obstacles to participation, reduced motivation and potential fossilization of errors due to exposure to incorrectly formulated target language statements; 7 - Conclusion of the workshop, evaluation of working methods,perspectives for future development.

 Reading Online

Increasingly, students are being asked to communicate online through a variety of formats: e-mail, bulletin boards, Web pages, and Internet-based research. What do we know about reading online? Does it differ from reading dead-tree-and-ink materials? If so, how? This online group will explore the research in Web reading to date, and if possible formulate some action research that will help students distinguish between print and electronic media in the hope of using each more efficiently. Results of the group's work will be presented as part of the leader's paper at TESOL Baltimore, thus tying electronic meetings to our professional convention.

This workshop is for ES/FL teachers, particularly those who teach reading (all levels).  Weekly topics will include 1 - introductions; why are we interested in reading online? a poll on how participants read online; differences between reading online and off; pooling knowledge--sites, resources--to help define and refine our knowledge of reading online; 2 - What we know about reading generally; the presenter's paper and questions posed by it; the variables in reading online (e.g., genre, hyperlinking, multimedia glosses, animation, advertising and other distractors, the use of skimming and scanning techniques online vs. paper); 3 - discussions of research on literacy, metacognition, reading, and adult vs. child language learners; 4 - action research; 5 - exploring online reading resources; scaffolding in e-mail and bulletin board discussions; use of synchronous chat to enhance reading activities; use of virtual realities for jigsaw activities; 6 - exploration of the PBS literacy site; discussion of field test results from this web site designed for intermediate level ELLs; potential applications of test results; 7 - discussions, summary, chat. Participants will be asked to post files and URLs to the group site regularly.  The presenter will offer the opportunity to participate in three chats.

A Basic Workshop for using the Internet in class

This workshop is directed at teachers who have little or no experience using the Internet in class. The purpose is to present them with media they can use to make and post their own Internet activities. The final goal of the course is for the participants to make their own website where they can post links to their activities.

Weekly topics include 1 - Getting acquainted with each other, learning about Yahoo and the internet, 2 - Learning about search engines, 3 - Visiting ESL websites (including Filimentality), 4 - Filimentality I – HotLists, 5 - Filimentality 2 and other activities, 6 - Discovery Quizzes, 7 - Making a website.

An Intermediate Workshop for using the Internet in class

This workshop is directed at teachers who have some experience using the Internet in class.  Participants should have a web site where they can post their material; however, they can make one during the second week of the session.  The purpose is to present them with additional media they can use to make and post their own Internet activities.

Weekly topics include 1-Getting acquainted with each other, learning about Yahoo; 2 - Improving (or making) your website; 3 - HotPotatoes; 4 - WebWorksheet; 5 - Sound 1; 6 - Sound 2; 7-Projects and simulations.

Oral Communication Skills for Professionals

This workshop is targeted at faculty teaching current or future foreign-born professionals, such as health care professionals; people teaching/assessing foreign-born professionals in other areas whose oral skills need to be extremely proficient in a specific domain, such as those working (or planning to work) in industry or government; people interested in or doing research in oral assessment.

This session will discuss the oral communication needs of professionals using the field of health care as a case study. Online discussion would address the following issues: 

Creating an Online Magazine to Publish Student Writing

This online session is designed to demonstrate issues involved in creating an online magazine and basic procedures for creating one. It is a low-tech session targeted to teachers of ESOL with little Internet experience who would like to learn how to publish their students’ writing online, but don’t know how to get started. Participants will help create a web site discussing online magazine creation.

Topics include Analyzing existing online magazines /Justification for publishing student work online/ What’s in it for teachers? What’s in it for ESL/EFL learners?, Creating a community web site about online magazine creation, Applicability to ESL/ESL classroom: linking publishing goals and class learning, Using project-based learning, Setting up a web page using GeoCities and basic computer technology, Introductions to basic site design and organization/ Adding interactivity with             features such as guest pages, quizzes, polls, and forms for feedback from readers, Considering feedback, copyright issues, publishing permission, and pitfalls to avoid.  The presentation of each topic will include hyperlinks to web sites, activities, assignments, and opportunities to discuss issues and offer personal experiences.

Communities of practice online:
 Reflection through experience and experiment with the Webheads community 
of language learners and practitioners

A community of practice forms when participants in an online community evolve a working relationship that leads them to focus spontaneously on shared tasks and problems deriving from their participation in the original community. In such communities it is important that a zone of proximal development be established and that conditions for scaffolding be enhanced through developing interpersonal relationship of the participants. In the experience of members of such a community, how has this been achieved? What conditions are necessary to catalyze an online community into functioning beyond the scope of its initial mandate? What benefits accrue to the members of such a community. What lessons can be learned through participation in such a community that can be applied to common goal of its members: optimal facilitation of language learning? This session will invite participants to join such an ongoing community and reflect on its benefits through their own experience with the community.  It is targeted to anyone interested in becoming a part of a community of practice for the purpose of sharing with and learning from other members of the community.

Weekly topics include a definition of communities of practice and conditions that lead to their emergence, how they operate, what online software tools facilitate the interaction of participants, what the theoretical underpinnings of communities of practice are and their relationship to pedagogy, what role they play in language instruction, how participation in a community of practice informs and influences the participants' personal teaching practices, and how  computer mediated communication affects the quality of instruction.

For more information, please visit http://www.vancestevens.com/papers/tesol/baltimore2003/copractice.html#workshop.

Please note the following TESOL Online Workshops

April 2003 -- Part 1: The Basics of Online Instruction (requiring only basic knowledge of navigating the Internet)
Summer 2003 -- Part 2: Advanced Workshop for Online Presenters (requires successful completion of Part 1 in the series or some experience in designing and teaching online courses)

For more information and registration, please visit the web site http://www.tesol.org/edprg/olw/onlineinstruction.html.