Checklist for 3-Paragraph Essays

Writer's name:     ___________________       Reviewer's name: ______________________

Directions: Review the essay and put a checkmark next to the items that you find.  Put NO if the item is not complete. Write 2 comments at the bottom of the essay: 1) What was done well; 2) What the writer could improve.


  1. _____    The essay has a completed outline attached.
  2. _____    The paper has the writer's name, the course name/number, the professor's name, the assignment, and the date at the top of the page.
  3. _____    The writer kept the margins on both sides and aligned the essays properly, using left-align.
  4. _____    The essay is double-spaced.
  5. _____    The essay has correct paragraphing with either indentations or 2x-space between paragraphs.
  6. _____    The essay uses correct spacing between words and after punctuation marks.


  1. _____    The essay has a title in the middle of the page that includes the key words of the essay.
  2. _____    The introduction gets the reader's attentioin, gives background information, and ends with a thesis statement.
  3. _____    The thesis statement includes the topic, controlling idea, and 1 aspect.
  4. _____    The body paragraph begins with a topic sentence that includes the topic, controlling idea, and one aspect.
  5. _____    The body paragraph connects to the topic sentence with 3 supporting points (reasons/explanations).
  6. _____    Each supporting point in the body paragraph has 2 specific details.
  7. _____    The essay has a conclusion that restates the thesis statement, includes the main key words, and gives a general recommendation.


  1. _____   The essay uses transitions for supporting points and details.
  2. _____   The writer repeats key words or uses synonyms or pronouns throughout the essay.
  3. _____   The writer uses clear and easy-to-follow sentence structure.


  1. _____   The writer uses appropriate topic-related vocabulary.
  2. _____   The writer uses formal English throughout.

© 2013  Christine Bauer-Ramazani, Saint Michael's College. Last updated: March 5, 2014