Presentation Rubric
Christine Bauer-Ramazani

Name of presenter:_____________________________    Date: _____________     Time: _____________
Topic: ____________________________________________________________________


4 = exemplary

3 = accomplished

2 = developing 1 = beginning Comments
Time Limit Student's part of the presentation is within the allotted time limit. Whole group presentation is within 1 minute +/-of allotted time. Student's part of the presentation is within 1 minute +/- of the allotted time limit. Whole group presentation is within 2 minutes +/- of allotted time. Student's part of the presentation is within 2 minutes +/- of the allotted time limit. Whole group presentation is within 3-4 minutes +/- of allotted time. Student's part of the presentation is too long or too short. Whole group presentation is 5 or more minutes above or below the allotted time.  
Collaboration Presenters worked as part of a team, providing effective transitions to next/previous speaker or making references to previous/next topics Evidence of team work; transitions made to next/previous speaker or topics Some evidence of team work; some transitions made to next/previous speaker or topics No evidence of team work; no transitions made to next/previous speaker or topics  
Organization Strong and engaging introduction provides overview of presentation; presentation supports introduction; effective transitions to the next topic/point; conclusion reinforces main points in memorable fashion. Introduction provides overview of presentation; presentation supports introduction and ends with appropriate conclusion; some transitions to the next topic/point. Some overview is given; connection between introduction and presentation is sometimes unclear; conclusion is limited; transitions to next topic/point mostly missing. Introduction does not give overview; no transitions to the next topic/point; organization is unclear, or presentation ends without conclusion.  
Content / Preparedness Content throughout the presentation is well-researched and presented succinctly; presentation is well-prepared and has obviously been rehearsed. Content is presented succinctly for the most part.  Research and preparation are evident. Content shows problems with research and succinct presentation; more preparation of the material is necessary. Presentation of content is disjointed and incoherent;  little evidence of preparation.  
Evidence / Sources Main ideas are presented with depth and effectively supported with facts, vivid details, and engaging examples.  All key elements are included. Several sources (3 +) are used, mentioned, and cited. Main ideas are supported with appropriate facts, examples, and details. One or two key elements may be missing; 2-3 sources are used, mentioned, and cited. Some main ideas are supported with facts, examples, or details. More than two key elements are missing; only 1-2 sources are used OR mentioned/cited inappropriately. Main ideas are unclear; facts, examples, and details are lacking or fail to support ideas; presentation lacks several key elements or contains inaccuracies; no sources are used/mentioned/cited.  
Speaking Skills / Voice


Poised, clear articulation/pronunciation; proper volume, speaking rate, and pauses.  Presenter shows enthusiasm through emphasis. Clear articulation/pronunciation but not as polished; volume, rate, and pauses mostly appropriate.  Presenter's show of enthusiasm through emphasis is adequate. Some mumbling; uneven rate and volume; little enthusiasm and emphasis Volume too high or too low; rate too  fast / slow;  speaker seemed uninterested and used monotone; articulation/pronunciation often not clear  
Verbal Expression (grammar, vocabulary, summarizing/ paraphrasing) Presenter effectively explains content-specific terms and concepts.  Presenter always speaks in complete sentences that are easy to understand and follow. Presenter summarizes or paraphrases source material. Presenter uses content-specific terms and concepts, speaks mostly in complete sentences and is easy to understand and follow.  Most source material is summarized or paraphrased. Presenter uses mostly general terms and has difficulty speaking in complete sentences OR has difficulty pronouncing key words or phrases; some source material may not be summarized or paraphrased. Presenter does not use content-specific terms and rarely speaks in complete sentences OR uses sentences that are difficult to understand and follow OR does not summarize or paraphrase source material.  
Physical Expression Presenter communicates interest in topic with energy and poise, maintains eye contact with audience, uses facial expressions and gestures effectively; posture and appearance convey confidence and credibility. Presenter communicates interest in topic, maintains eye contact for the most part, uses appropriate facial expressions, gestures, and posture.  Appearance is appropriate. Presenter has difficulty communicating interest in topic and maintaining eye contact.  Some facial expressions, gestures, posture, or appearance may not be appropriate. Presenter does not communicate interest in topic; maintains little eye contact; does not use facial expressions and gestures effectively; inappropriate posture and/or appearance.  
Visuals Visuals are attractive and effectively enhance the presentation; show considerable originality illustrate important points.  A few visuals are not attractive but all support the theme/content of the presentation. All visuals are attractive but a few do not seem to support the theme/content of the presentation. Visuals are unattractive AND detract from the content of the presentation.  
Mechanics / Formatting Background, font formats (colors, size, type), and graphics significantly enhance the presentation; no misspellings or grammatical errors. Background, font formats, and graphics generally support the readability and content of the presentation; only 1-2 misspellings or grammatical errors Some interference of background, font formats, or graphics with readability and content of the presentation; several misspellings or grammatical errors. Background, font formats, or graphics make reading and understanding the material difficult OR detract from the presentation; many misspellings or grammatical errors.  
Question/Answer Techniques Presenter answers questions confidently and completely. Presenter is able to respond to questions. Presenter has difficulty responding to questions. Presenter's answers to  questions are incorrect or incomplete.  
TOTAL SCORE/GRADE           / 44 =

© 2005: Christine Bauer-Ramazani; last updated: October 24, 2017