Articles: “the”
                                     Rules for using the with proper nouns

no “the”



      EX: France, India

Countries with United, Union, or Republic in the name

      EX: the United States

Countries with plural forms:

      EX: the Philippines

             the Netherlands



Cities, states

      EX: Rome, Vermont

States with “of”
      EX : the State of Vermont 




      EX: Africa, Asia

Geographical areas
      EX : the Middle East




      EX : Lake Champlain

Rivers, seas, oceans, canals, gulfs

      EX :  the Mississippi River
               the Mediterranean Sea

               the Pacific Ocean

               the Suez Canal

               the Gulf of Mexico



Islands: singular

      EX: Wake Island

Islands: plural
      EX: the Canary Islands



Colleges, universities

      EX:  MIT
              Harvard University
              Saint Michael’s College

Universities with “of” in the name

      EX: the University of Vermont



Buildings with “hall” in the name

      EX: Jeanmarie Hall

Famous buildings and museums

      EX: the Empire State Building

             the Louvre Museum




       EX: Fifth Avenue

              Babcock Street

              Sunset Boulevard


      EX: the Sahara Desert

             the Gobi Desert



Mountains: singular

       EX: Mount Mansfield

              Mount Everest

Mountains: plural (mountain ranges)

       EX: the Rocky Mountains

              the Green Mountains

              the Appalachians

 © 2010: Christine Bauer-Ramazani; last updated: July 09, 2017