In an approximately 2-page, single-spaced memo
with no indentations (following the memo-writing guidelines in
Writing a
Memo & Citing
Electronic Sources), analyze the issue(s) in a particular situation
(case, personal experience) and apply the concepts from the textbook
chapter and lecture on Business Ethics. Concepts to be included (see
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility): the ethics/social responsibility, ethical dilemma, stakeholders, the pros and cons
of whistleblowing, core ethical values, and guidelines for making ethical
decisions. Use any laws from the Appendix as they may
Use the following headings in boldface:
The Situation,
The Ethical Dilemma,
The Stakeholders Affected by the Dilemma, Ethical
Norms, Alternative Courses of Action &
Tradeoffs, Solution, Personal Beliefs or Feelings, Conclusion.
You will write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) for each one.
Write an introduction (2-3 sentences) which briefly states
the situation. Then write
your thesis statement, which should include
the purpose of the memo and give a preview
of what the body of the memo will discuss. You need to include, as keywords, all of the
headings/topics you will address in the memo (highlighted below).
Briefly describe the situation and briefly
mention the ethical dilemma. (Then write: )The purpose of this memo is to
___________________________________________________ (use the keywords
discuss, ethical dilemma). (Next, write a sentence that
includes all of the headings/topics highlighted below. Use future tense and state what you
will describe, state, express, argue, etc.).
The Situation:
State the facts; describe the situation.
In short, simple sentences, write a paragraph describing
was involved,
the situation took place,
this happened, and
what was
going on.
Begin with a
topic sentence
that contains the keywords and answers the questions
who? where? when?
Then in short, simple sentences, answer the question
what happened/what was going on?
All supporting sentences that follow must provide more details, facts,
explanations about these questions. Please note that this is most likely in PAST
TENSE, so check all verb endings!
The Ethical Dilemma and
the values and norms that are in conflict.
Describe in detail what the ethical dilemma/issue is. Why is
this a problem?
Begin with a
topic sentence
that contains the keywords from the heading (ethical
dilemma) and answers the questions
what is the ethical dilemma confronting the person?
Then in short, simple sentences, answer the question
which ethical values are in conflict? Who will be hurt? Who will
All supporting sentences that follow must provide more details, facts,
explanations about these questions.
For ethical norms (or 6 Pillars of Character), see Chapter 2, p. 43 for
the 4 ethical norms of UTILITY, RIGHTS, JUSTICE, CARING, or use the
6 Pillars of
Character from the Josephson Institute).
Begin with a topic sentence that mentions which of the
norms are involved in this situation (see In the rest of the paragraph,
answer the question How is each core ethical value involved?
Write supporting answers for each core ethical value that you identified in
your topic sentence.
The Stakeholders Affected by the Dilemma
List them.
Describe their involvement. Why/In what way are they stakeholders?
Begin with a topic sentence that mentions all of the stakeholders that are
affected by this situation. In the rest of the paragraph, answer the
questions How is each stakeholder involved? and How will the dilemma affect them? (Why/In what way are they stakeholders?).
Alternative Courses of Action & Tradeoffs
(benefits/costs) – Discuss 2-3
possible ways to solve the ethical dilemma/issue(s). What are the
tradeoffs of each course of action for the stakeholders involved? For
each one, discuss the benefits and costs (who will benefit and how; who will see
negative consequences and which ones?)
Begin with a topic sentence that mentions the keywords
alternative courses of action and tradeoffs. In the rest of the paragraph,
discuss each alternative in detail and show how this alternative will affect
each of the stakeholders involved positively or negatively. Use
CAUSE-EFFECT vocabulary, e.g.
If ......., then....... . ......., so ......... .
.............; therefore, ............. verbs: lead to, cause,
create, generate, result in.
Solution --
Discuss how the
dilemma should have been solved. Use the 7 Guidelines for Making
Ethical Decisions (see below).
Begin with a topic sentence that states which of the alternative courses
of action would be the best solution. To make a decision, use 1 or 2 of
the 7 Guidelines for Making Ethical Decisions and apply them to each
of the alternative courses of action. Which alternative passes the test? That alternative will be the ethical solution!
If the alternative does not pass the test, the decision is unethical.
Please discuss the tests you used and the result. Also, consider the
following questions: How many stakeholders will benefit from
this alternative vs. the other ones? Who will be affected negatively? Which values are more
Personal Beliefs or Feelings
Express your opinion as to what
the person(s) should do to deal with this
dilemma/this (these) issue(s).
Begin with a topic sentence that mentions the keywords in my
opinion/I believe/I think/I feel. Then indicate which of the
Guidelines toward an Ethical Work Place offer the best solution (see
below). Explain why you recommend these particular guidelines.
Write a concluding paragraph (2-3 sentences) in which you restate the
thesis statement from the introduction. Briefly restate your suggested
solution and why this is the best solution.
Creating an Ethical Work Place – 7 Guidelines
for making Ethical Decisions
(Choose the
appropriate guidelines for your case.)
The Golden Rule:
Act in a way you would expect others to act toward you.
The Utilitarian Principle:
Act in a way that results in the greatest good for the greatest number of
Kant’s Categorical
Imperative: Act in such a way that the action taken under the
circumstances could be a universal law, or rule of behavior.
The Professional Ethic:
Take actions that would be viewed as proper by a disinterested panel of
professional peers.
The TV Test:
Managers should always ask, “Would I feel comfortable explaining to a national
TV audience why I took this action?”
The Legal Test:
Is the proposed action or decision legal/? Established laws are generally
considered minimum standards for ethics.
The Four-way Test
Herb Taylor 1932, Rotary International):
Managers can feel confident that a decision is ethical if they can answer
“yes” to the following questions:
Is the decision truthful?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build good will and
better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all